ZARA SHATAVARI - INDIA'S AI  REPRESENTATIVE FOR 'MISS AI ' ZARA SHATAVARI - INDIA'S AI REPRESENTATIVE FOR 'MISS AI' ZARA SHATAVARI - INDIA'S AI' REPRESENTATIVE FOR ' MISS AI :  Zara Shatavari, Created by Rahul Choudhry who is co-founder of an Indian mobile ad agency. India’s Zara Shatavari In Top 10 Finalist In World's First AI Beauty Pageant.  She hails from India. 'Zara Shatavari' is described as a "PCOS and depression warrior," emphasising her journey & advocacy beyond her digital persona.  Shatavari operates a committed website in which she shares insights on fitness, fashion traits, and career & profession improvement. Zara Shatavari, India's AI representative, who was chosen from over 1500 entries. She'll be judged on beauty, tech skills and social influence alongside with other AI contestants 3 days ago.  India's Zara Shatavari is one of the pinnacle 10 finalists in the international'

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